“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew28:19)
The Mission of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Our local church provides the most significant arena through which disciple making occurs. Each member is called to be a disciple of Jesus and make disciples.
A Disciple of Jesus Christ is a person who:
- Confesses faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
- Is continually transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Seeks accountability to grow spiritually and missionally.
- Boldly connects the world around them while dismantling all forms of oppression and building up marginalized communities.
- Proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ.
- Participate with God to make other disciples.
Marcellus UMC’s Discipleship Pathway to H.O.P.E.
Living a life of HOSPITALITY.
- We pledge to meet and greet new disciples by offering our brochure and gift bags.
- We shepherd new disciples by informing and inviting new disciples to events.
- We engage new disciples by offering small group studies and prayer meetings to participate in.
- We seek to reach the unchurched by giving of our time and energy in our community.
Living a life of OFFERING CHRIST.
- We encourage new disciples by personal invitation and providing worship information on-line.
- We provide early spiritual involvement by offering confirmation, baptism, and profession of faith to new disciples.
- We encourage all disciples to a deeper spiritual involvement by participating in worship, teaching, and leading other disciples.
- We seek to keep holy as disciples by making worship as life style.
Living a life of PURPOSE.
- We recognize new disciples by offering classes for the Christian as a beginner.
- We provide for personal spiritual growth by offering Bible study and small groups for the Christian as a learner.
- We seek to advance the disciple’s spiritual growth by encouraging the Christian as growing in fellowship and service.
- We recognize the disciple as growing in Christian Leadership.
Living a life of ENGAGEMENT (at local, regional, national, and global levels).
- We provide our congregation with mission activities within the church setting.
- We offer on-site mission work within our community.
- We engage in long term mission by events that call us to leave our community.
- We involve our church in global mission work.