1 Slocombe Avenue
Marcellus, NY 13108-1121
Phone: 315-673-3239
Pastor: Rev.Bryant Clark
Office hours:
Tuesday,Thursday 8:30-12:30
Admin. Assistant: Kelly Andrews
MUMC Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8-12
Director of Music/Pianist: Sally Bailey
Organist: Karen Lewien
Praise Band Director: Nairobi Smith
Director of Children and Youth Ministry: Position is currently open
Lay Leader: Bob Mueller
Conference Lay Member: Mary Tanner
Administrative Council: Bob Mueller, interim chair
Trustees: Mike Burt/Dave Bailey chair
Finance: Kevin Wade, chair
Outreach: Holly Ireland, chair
Missions: David Takach, chair
Christian Education: Melissa Butler, chair
UMW: Pam Mueller, chair
UMM: David Bailey, chair
Worship: Anne Dorio, chair
SPPRC: John Dorio, chair
Many others lead and volunteer to create a loving and faithful presence in the community and witness to the grace and mercy of our Lord. If you have any questions, please call the office:
Admin: Site Admin
Admin Files: