Thrift Shop

Marcellus United Methodist Church

1 Slocombe Ave.

Marcellus, NY 13108

Thrift Shop Hours

  • 10am-2pm-Tuesdays
  • 10am-2pm – Thursdays
  • 10am-2pm – 2nd and 4th Saturdays

Stop by and give us a look!

The Gift & Thrift Shop has a good selection of  greeting cards for birthdays, weddings, etc. All cards are priced at $.75.   We also have Rada cutlery and some homemade items. Be sure to stop in on our regular days of business or after Sunday worship.  We thank you for your patronage, as we help many charities with our funds.  Here is a list of the different charities we support:


Marcellus United Methodist Church (MUMC):

  • Campership Memorial Fund
  • Local Church Support
  • Memorial Gifts

Marcellus Central Schools:

  • Elementary School-Jan Smith fund
  • Driver Middle School Angel Tree

Durgee Food Pantry of Marcellus


United Methodist Women-District and Conference

Brown Memorial UMC, Syracuse

Rescue Mission

Vera House

Samaritan Center

Neighborhood Center of Utica (United Methodist)

McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center

In My Father’s Kitchen

Blessings in a Backpack


Ronald McDonald House


Red Bird Mission, Kentucky (United Methodist)

Gateway-Longview, Buffalo, NY (United Methodist)




Heifer Project International