
Why Vision Matters

God teaches us that a vision focuses our lives and helps us to accomplish good things with the life He has given us.  God warns us that if we don’t have a clear and compelling vision—we will be in serious trouble.

Where there is no vision, the people perish… (Proverbs 29:18)

Marcellus United Methodist Church Mission:

We welcome, encourage and equip all people to experience God’s love and grace through Jesus Christ.

Marcellus UMC Vision Statement to Support Our Faithful Mission

As a faith community seeking God’s direction for discipleship, we are called to:

Welcome all people by: 

  • Creating inspiring worship, relevant to daily life, through music and the Word
  • Inviting people to worship service and church activities
  • Participating in ecumenical events
  • Honoring diversity and our unique perspectives
  • Appreciating that God speaks to people differently
  • Inspiring worshippers to share Christ’s love with others

Encourage one another by:

  • Visiting the sick and homebound ·
  • Praying for the church and its people
  • Offering personal assistance
  • Utilizing laity of all ages
  • Offering gifts and acts of service to neighbors near and far

Equip all people by:

  • Presenting a variety of small group learning opportunities
  • Offering Sunday School classes for all ages
  • Providing strong leadership for education
  • Encouraging activities to apply lessons learned
  • Providing information by communicating in a variety of ways

“Let your light shine before others in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify God in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)